Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sh*t I Like: YouTube Gamers

Mangaminx fan art

I really didn't get into gaming until I went to a magical place called college. I got into A LOT of other things too, but that's a PSA for another day. One day I was passing by the student lounge where I saw a bunch of my friends were congregated. They were watching my friend Reggie (If you read this blog, then hey Reggie!) play Portal. I loved sitting there watching him play it! I don't know why! Watching other people play games is very therapeutic for me. Maybe it's because when I play games I tend to go into complete rages when things don't go my way.

With YouTube, you can now watch other people play games anytime!!! It's AWESOME!!! I watch a ridiculous amount of YouTube. Like, A LOT of YouTube. I'm a little embarrassed to admit how much I watch, and thank God I don't have to because it's none of your damn business and this is my blog! Haha! Suck it!

Adam Montoya AKA SeaNanners
You can tell I don't really plan these blogs out can't you? I like to pretend I sound eloquent and like I plan these things in advance.... no. I just fly by the seat of my pants. What you get here 100% me just running my damn mouth, well, fingers. It's stream of consciousness. Yes I Googled that.

Getting back on topic. I watch a helluva lot of YouTube! I've pretty much seen all the gaming channels worth seeing out there. I also hold my YouTubers to high standards. So please, allow me to act as your YouTube Gamer Spirit Guide for this post.


MangaMinx or just Minx, has been doing this shit for a loooooong time. I came across her years ago when she was playing Dead Space. She then started playing Amnesia where her YouTube fame skyrocketed. It's great to watch Minx playing any game, but it's the horror genre she really shines in. She's excellent at playing horror themed indie games, She now, also plays a lot of G Mod with fellow YouTubers. She's very Brittish and has quite a unique voice and an infectious laugh. She has two channels, the first she stopped uploading on two years ago, but still has some of her classic videos there. The second one is active where Minx uploads a two videos everyday. SUBSCRIBE TO HER!


GassyMexican with girl friend Renee.
Max Gonzalez, or "Gassy" as he's known in the YouTube community, was once a part of a big group of gamers called The Creature Hub. I used to love the "Creatures" as fans call them. Problems arose when Gassy started having a life outside of the Creatures. He would play games with other YouTube friends instead of playing ALL his games with the other members of the Creatures. Needless to say they kicked him out.

Getting kicked out of the Creatures hasn't hurt Gassy in the least! He now has over one million subscribers and like two-hundred million views on his channel. He's also extremely nice and kinda goofy. He has a smooth disc-jockey voice and can do numerous accents. He's DUSTI-PROVED SUBSCTIBE!


If you don't like watching videos that are over 5 minutes, then you might want to subscribe to SeaNanners. I first became aware of Adam Montoya (AKA SeaNanners.) by watching Minx and Gassy's gaming videos. They would play Gmod with them such as Trouble in Terrorist Town or Prop Hunt and he would usually cheat or betray them for a humorous effect. He edits his videos a lot! He only puts in highlights of his gaming sessions with his friends. If you want to see the unedited versions, go to Gassy's channel. 

The BEST videos, in my humble opinion, is when Nanners (another nickname for SeaNanners) and Gassy play together. Gassy is usually the moral anchor to Nanners' sociopath tendencies. When Gassy and Nanners play Prop Hunt together, it's just over. They're total bad-asses together. Nanners is also EXCELLENT at The Hidden. If you don't watch gaming videos, you'll have no idea what I'm talking about. That's okay, I'm opening your eyes to a new world. Be grateful. SUBSCRIBE!


He's just so damn funny. I can't even handle it sometimes. He has a webcam where you can watch him play video games and his reactions get me every time. He's also an all around good guy who just loves gaming and making people laugh. There's really not much to say, you've probably already seen his shit because he's so damn popular! SUBSCRIBE! If you haven't already. 


Yet another British YouTube Gamer. Yami, as friends and fans call him, has been gaming with Markiplier and Minx for years, this is how I became aware of him. He's absolutely hilarious and he's not affraid to "go there" with his humor. I like real bitches. He mostly plays horror games and Gmod, but he's a lot of fun! GO SUBSCRIBE TO THE MASH!


Dlive's channel has grown exponitially since he first started on YouTube. This is due to players like Minx and SeaNanners taking him under their wing. He's just such a sweet guy with an infectious laugh. He's very devoted to putting out high quality videos on his channel. SUBSCRIBE!

There's your guide to YouTube Gamers! These aren't even all the ones I watch, these are just the main ones! I watch several others, but I got shit to do, i just can't sit here and name off all of them, damn, I got more videos to watch! Happy viewing! 

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