Friday, October 3, 2014

American Horror Story: Asylum

Season 2: Asylum

Air Dates: October 17, 2012 to January 23, 2013

Starring: Sarah Paulson, Evan Peters, Lily Rabe, Joseph Fiennes, Zachery Quinto, James Cromwell, Dylan McDermott, Lizzie Brocheré, Frances Conroy and Jessica Lange. 

Special Guest Stars: Clea DuVall, Adam Levine, Jenna Dewan Tatum, Ian McShaneNaomi Grossman and Chloe Sevigny

On second thought... I really don't need a check-up.

If you're going have a viewing of American Horror Story's second season, appropriately titled Asylum, get ready for some fucked up shit! This is not the AHS season for the weak of heart! We have so much going on this season. We have two serial killers, mutants, a nazi doctor, a corrupt priest, aliens, Anne Frank, shock treatments, a possessed nun and the angel of death.

Seems like a lot right? Well you're correct! In fact, it's almost too much. This season was extremely hectic and jammed with a lot of shit. It almost seemed like Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk just threw a bunch of crazy shit at us because they thought that they wouldn't get to do another season. I'm not complaining about it... but at the same time I'm complaining about it, because I feel like there were sooooo many awesome story lines that could have been explored more, but they weren't because there were 80 other story lines that they had to get through and resolve within the allotted 13 episodes.

That being said, with all the insanity (Get it? Asylum? Insanity? Bye.) it was still extremely well done. Everything about Asylum was top notch. While I mentioned the plethora of story lines above, I should say they did it so well that it flowed very evenly and  I was never lost. Speaking of the story, I guess I should actually fucking talk about it! Damn!

Asylum takes place in Massachusetts in 1964, with scenes going back and fourth between the past and present, and  follows the patients, doctors and nuns who occupy the Catholic mental institution of Briarcliff. Let's break this bitch down, because it can get a bit confusing:

Briarcliff Staff

These are the people who work at the institution. 

Sister Jude

Played by: 

Sister Jude is the head of Briarcliff. She keeps the staff and patients under control and is in charge of committing, releasing and punishing patients. She is brash and no-nonsense. Much like Jessica Lange's character in the first season, she don't give a fuuuuck! She's the foundation bitch and reminds anyone and everyone who tries to cross her or question her authority. She's cruel and cold in the beginning, and you feel little sympathy for her. As events unfold you learn about Jude's past and soon things get out of control. Jessica Lange takes us on another emotional roller coaster with her character. As the season progresses you'll hate her, love her, cry for her and pity her. You'll want her to be obliterated one minute and then throw yourself in front of a bus to save her the next. Very few actresses can do what Jessica Lange does. She is a true star. 

Sister Mary Eunice

NO! You are not allowed to come out of dark corners!
Played by: 

Sister Mary Eunice works under Sister Jude assisting her in anyway she needs it. At first she's shy and submissive, constantly walking on eggshells around everyone. She's sweet, loving and very pious. Her personality is in stark contrast to Sister Jude's. Everything changes when a possessed boy in brought to Briarcliff for an exorcism. When the demon is expelled from the boy, it goes straight into Mary Eunice. From there things escalate quickly. With the demon controlling her, Mary Eunice's sweet demeanor melts away and she becomes something dark and evil. 

Lily Rabe was definitely one of the stand-out performances in Asylum. She goes under such a massive change within this first few episodes. When she becomes possessed, Rabe changed everything about Mary Eunice, from the way she talked to the way she carried herself. It was fantastic, though eerie to watch. Rabe's acting gets even more powerful towards the end of the season when the Mary Eunice begins to fight the demon possessing her body. 

Monsignor Timothy Howard

Played by: 
Timothy Howard is the founder of Briarcliff and the object of Sister Jude's great respect and affection. Though he seems like a kind, well intended man, we soon learn that he hides dark ambitions and a desire for power which he will stop at nothing to have. 

Joseph Fiennes does a great job here. He plays a man caught between his moral code and his lust for power. His character goes through many situations and traumas that he has to act with great emotion and he delivers in spades. Well done Mr. Finnes.

Dr. Oliver Thredson

I'm not as annoyed by your perfect eyebrows in this season Mr. Quinto! YAY! Just keep those glasses on!
Played by: 

Dr. Thredson is a psychiatrist at Briarcliff. He does his absolute best to console and treat the patients using the latest technologies available in 1964. Because this is AHS we, as an audience, begin questioning Thredson and his intentions. Is he really a kind doctor trying to help, or is he hiding something sinister behind those thick framed glasses. 

Like Lily Rabe's role, Quinto's role also goes under a massive transformation. He's pitch perfect and I couldn't imagine anyone else in this role. 

Dr. Arthur Arden

Oh shit... I guess he didn't make this face when he interviewed for the job. 
Played by: 

Dr. Arden is a doctor at Briarcliff, treating the patients who become sick or injured. He's also a sadist with a taste for human experiments. It's revealed early on that Dr. Arden is pure evil to his core and will let no one stop him from his sadistic research of the human body. 

James Cromwell is absolutely fabulous as a villain. His scenes with Jessica Lange are a particular treat and his reactions to the crazy shit that happens are awesome. He's very cold and dark. He did his job extremely well because I grew to absolutely hate everything about the character. Bravo Mr. Cromwell!

Briarcliff Patients

These are the people committed to the institution for one reason or another. 

Lana Winters

I'm attracted to yet another Lesbian. Damn it!
Played by: 

Damn, I loved this character! Lana Winters is a lesbian reporter who is hot on the story of the infamous serial killer, Bloody Face. Her curiosity and snooping soon get the best of her and she's committed against her will. Lana is far from crazy, and she spends much of the season fighting. Fighting to get out of Briarcliff, fighting to keep her sanity and fighting for her life. Lana soon comes toe to toe with Bloody Face, but she refuses to his or anyone else's victim. 

I have nothing but absolute praise for Sarah Paulson in this role. She's absolutely fabulous! Throughout the season her character is put through the ringer. Paulson's emotional range is through the roof. She makes us care about the character of Lana. She makes us want to have the strength of Lana. If there was anyone who deserved an award for this season of AHS, it was Sarah Paulson. 

Kit Walker

Everytime a picture of Evan Peters is posted, a fan girl squeals. 
Played by: 

Kit Walker is arrested and committed to Briarcliff for supposedly being the serial killer, Bloody Face. Kit swears he's not, but is he lying or trying to save himself from the electric chair?

Evan Peters proves he can act like a pro. He plays a man who has everything taken away from him. He's character is completely different from his other one from Murder House. Though he may or may not be a mass murderer, we're still rooting for him to make it. 

Grace Bertrand

Guuurl! I'm gonna need you to do something with those bangs...
Played by: 

Grace is a patient at Briarcliff who's an accused murderer. Once she meets Kip Walker, her life at the institution spirals and becomes a living nightmare. 

Okay, I'll admit, Grace was not one of my favorite characters. I could have honestly not cared what happened to her. Lizzie Brocheré does a great job, but I just wasn't all the interested in her character. She was just vanilla. It almost seemed like Grace was just there to add an element of drama to Kip's story line, which is fine, I'm not complaining. She indeed did, but she's not one of the stand out roles in this series. 


These are the main characters in the present time. 

Johnny Morgan

I know you're playing a part and all... but dude, this is not a good look on you.
Played by: 

Johnny is a woman-hating psychopath who is on a relentless mission to find his mother and aspires to be just like his father; Bloody Face. 

Dylan McDermott makes a much welcomed return to AHS. He is positively brilliant in this role. His fearlessness and willingness to go the extra mile absolutely pay off in spades! I would have loved to have been in the room when Ryan Murphy and Brad Faulchuk told McDermott some of the effed up things he would have to do! He's an absolute pro and I have nothing but respect for him. 

Leo and Teresa Morrison

Oh look, the two most irrelevant characters in AHS history!

Asylum opens with recently married couple, Leo and Teresa, exploring the abandoned Briarcliff as part of their weird, horror themed honeymoon. They break in to the run-down building, and
surprisingly (sarcasm) things don't go too well for them. 

Levine and Dewan Tatum are good actors, though I felt Levine was just playing his usual self, just with a different name. It was a fun little side-story to open the show with. 

Shachath: The Angel of Death

I like that veil
Played by: 

I wasn't really sure what category Shachath fell under, so I just put her here. Shachath is the Angel of Death who comes to visit Briarcliff and then shows up periodically throughout the season. Seeing her for the first time I was so excited! Frances Conroy returning was such a thrill for me because I loved her in the first season! She did an outstanding job and is an absolute master at her craft. 

All in all, I loved this season! It was absolutely bonkers, but so well done! Everyone brought their A-game and it paid off big time! 

I felt like the running theme in Asylum was one of control, or loss of it. You go to an asylum when you lose control of your mind. There's nothing more horrifying than not being able to control your own actions because of a mental ailment. I feel like the need for control is something Americans, especially, crave and need. They need control over their lives, financial status, social status and mind. In Asylum, every character losses control of something. Whether it be Sister Mary Eunice being controlled by a demon, some of the patients succumbing to Dr. Ardern's horrendous experiments or and alien abducting you forcing you to have a baby (I told you this season was OOC.). Asylum was all about people losing their footing on life. In many ways, losing control of anything in your life is one of the scariest thoughts. 

For the season after Asylum, Jessica Lange demanded designer clothes and a glamorous character.
Watching American Horror Story: Asylum, it's easy to laugh off the serial killers, nazi doctor, demon possessions and alien abductions, but the truth is, these things have all been reported in real life. The fact that there's a smidgen of truth to all these scenarios is horrifying and makes us realize how fragile our little worlds that we've created for ourselves really are, and how quickly they can become a shit-storm due to situations that are out of our control. 


American Horror Story: Asylum is available on Netflex as of October 3, 2014.

 Catch the new season, American Horror Story: Freak Show premiering October 8, 2014    

You can purchase the whole second season, American Horror Story: Asylum here

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